Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Mommy Stamp
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Office Cake
cake to be precise. I can't stand it. Which I realize is very hard for
some to understand. My new boss is a huge fan of it. In fact she
brings one in once a month along w/ donuts & cupcakes on various other
days of the week. She simply doesn't get it. The first cake she
brought in January & I attempted to politely decline a slice. Soon I
discovered what an serious office social faux pas I made. Seriously? I
could have cared less about whether they ate cake or not. I don't
judge. I have my own vices. But the judgement on me was swift and
harsh. I was asked if I were on a diet (in a mocking tone) and called
"skinny Minnie." Why is that okay? Do these people know that as an
adult Ive lost 40 pounds? That I've struggled my whole life w/ weight
& body image? That I was an overweight child? I lost my weight as a
teen by starving myself? No. They don't know that I shot my
metabolism. Or that I'm trying my damndest to simply eat healthy @
remove refined foods from my diet as much as possible. That I'm simply
trying to live healthy. If I liked cake then I might occasionally
indulge but if I don't like the taste, so why eat it?
That day I noticed my friend Ned. He'd taken a slice & sat there
quietly poked it w/ his fork to move it around his plate. Then on the
way out he disgarded it in the trash can. Back at our desks I
commented on his sly move. He smiled and leaned over to me, "it's all
about their own guilt. It has little if anything to do w/ you. People
feel better when they all participate in eating junk as a group. If
you refuse you point out that they too could make a better choice."
I hate to waste and don't want to take something I'm only going to
toss. But that's what I've started doing. And you know what? Everyone
makes a big deal if you don't take a piece but no one notices if you
sit there w/ a full slice of cake that you toss in the trash on the
way out.
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Their Idea of Quiet
Monday, March 22, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Big Dreams
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
I'm Done...
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
So, I can't do anything about the changes that my employer made to my job. For the time being I have to accept this. I can most certainly begin to keep my eyes open for something closer to my home. In this economy I'm not going to bet on it. And even if I do, I would have to keep the benefits in mind: insurance & time off. Those things are very important with children. I'm currently carrying it all for the family. My husbands job offers neither affordable insurance or paid time off (this year he did get 5 days which we horde the final 3 for all their worth). So, when the kids get sick it's all on me to take care of in order for his paycheck not to be docked. So, I can keep an eye out for something else- for him too. My fantasy is that he gets a great job with benefits and I can hop scotch my happy ass out of here. But I digress...
What I can also change right now...and have already started is getting WC back on track with his school work. The first order of business was to shut the tv off on week nights. That's right, the tv does not come on when we walk in the house. We simply don't have time. There's enough to do. He's spent the past two and half hours in after-school care-playing. It isn't like it's just work-work-work. We're working on spelling words and writing. Last night he completed his homework that's due on Friday. Yep, no waiting to the last minute, let's get it over with. I've been online researching extra enrichment activities and worksheets that include things he needs to work on. I've printed off a number of free worksheets from
Tonight on our drive to karate we will work on verbally spelling words. I ordered some phonics readers, a teachers set actually, that came highly recommended when the BOB books are a little too simple. And I ordered the first set of BOB books ( for CJ. CJ sits at the table when WC does his homework & he has to have pencils and paper too. So, I'm going to work with him too- finding level appropriate things for him. With CJ's ability I think I can have him reading about on the same level as WC in a few months, if I worked on it. The problem is the time. But I am determined to make it work.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
on purpose. A re-org of my department at work, a new project & a
series of illnesses (both kids & myself) left me w/ little time or
energy to post. Not that there aren't stories to share. There are
always stories when there are children around. Tonight as I drove WC
to karate class I quizzed him on his spelling words-10 three letter
words w/ the short "a" sound. That's the way the past week has been- a
constant stream of go-go until my body revolted w/ cold or allergies.
I felt like hell starting on Thursday. Missed all my workouts since.
Once i finally sit down at night i fall asleep. Then CJ became a human
version of Old Faithfull. I haven't seen so much liquid come out of
something so small since he was a newborn w/ reflux. Thankfully, it
only lasted 24 hours. He seems fine today. Jay stayed home w/ him and
got the rare treat of spending time alone w/ him. They ordered pizza.
So here I sit. WC is in karate class. I'm alone, it's quiet. There's a
rare moment to collect my thoughts. The problem is that I don't know
what to think first. So if this post is a bit disjointed. My apologies.
A woman sits down the row from me fussing that she's having trouble
typing on her laptop. How about tapping out your thoughts solely w/
your index finger for some perspective?
Hopefully tomorrow I'll have a moment to compose a proper story entry
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